Safety Culture
The Safety Management System (SMS) policies have been designed to promote a positive safety culture in the four areas discussed below. Any observed deviations from these cultural norms should be communicated to the Manager Safety & Standards:
- Informed Culture: Management intends to foster a culture where people understand the hazards and risks inherent in their areas of operation. Personnel will be provided with the necessary knowledge, skills and job experience to work safely, and will be encouraged to identify the threats to their safety and to seek the changes necessary to overcome them.
- Learning Culture: Learning in Air Falcon will be seen as more than a requirement for initial skills training; rather it will be valued as a lifetime process. People will be encouraged to develop and apply their own skills and knowledge to enhance organizational safety. Staff will be updated on safety issues by management, and safety reports will be fed back to staff so that everyone can learn the pertinent safety lessons.
- Reporting Culture: Managers and operational personnel will freely share critical safety information without the threat of punitive action. Personnel will be able to report hazards or safety concerns as they will become aware of them, without fear of sanction or embarrassment.
- Just Culture: While a non-punitive environment is fundamental for a good reporting culture, all employees must know what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behavior. Negligence or deliberate violations will NOT be tolerated in this organization, even in our non-punitive environment. Our just culture recognizes that, in certain circumstances, there may be a need for administrative action and management will define the line between acceptable and unacceptable actions or activities.